This is the fourth book about my son Jodi, who has autism. This time though, it’s a fly on the wall account into a small part of his life since he moved out of our family home.
In this audiobook, I hope to show it is possible for people with learning difficulties and other related disabilities to live independently with the correct support. I hope you’ll find it interesting and encouraging.
This book is about Jodi, Ben, and Alex, who all have learning difficulties, and also personal budgets.
They are very lucky!
All three lads have different disabilities and couldn’t possibly live on their own. However, the local council has given each of them an annual personal budget, which means they are able to design their own lives. With the correct support strategies, they are able to access life skill activities to make them as independent as possible.
Jodi, Ben, and Alex pooled their money so they get full time support. They live in rented accommodation, and each have their own tenancy agreements. They keep their house so clean and tidy, it’s often referred to by the local authorities as a great example of how good things can be for disabled people when you get three things right.
These are:
- The right mix of people. (Similar ages and abilities).
- The right support. (Parent involvement and staff who are interested, interesting, motivated and caring).
- The right accommodation. (Must be large enough for everyone to have their own private space as well as shared rooms).
It is the way forward and Jodi, Ben, and Alex are pioneers.
They are VERY lucky!
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