Listen in an hour, take immediate action and be on your way. An excellent, comprehensive and practical guide to getting out of a lease. Great for those in a lease contract and need to get out of it. Lease terms and conditions are stringent. Learn to navigate around them and break your lease without coughing up hefty fines and penalties or damage your credit history. Breaking a lease has other severe consequences as well. You want to avoid a lawsuit at all costs. You want to maintain a good credit score, especially if you plan on applying for a credit card, car loan or a mortgage in the near future. Maintaining a good rental history with previous landlords benefits you with future landlord and lenders. This book has been compiled with years of rental real estate experience. After years of giving personal advice to tenants in a bind, the author has compiled this practical and more importantly actionable guide for anyone in a similar situation who’d like to get out of a lease early without incurring fines, penalties and damaging their credit. The author hopes that this “do it yourself guide” helps every tenant in need of it.
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